A:For a place to live because the neighbours were draining their swamps.
Q1:What is”a funny feeling?
A1:It is a feeling that you get when you are nervous
Q2:Have you ever had a funny feeling?
A2: I have had a funny feeling before the inter schools.
Q3:What might it mean?
A3: It might mean that you are nervous.
Q:how do you think other farmers would react to his decision?
A:They would think he is a useless and lazy farmer.
Q:What might the impact of his decision on the Bittins.
A:Saving a place for the Bittins to live.
Q1:Why would it matter if” everyone drained their swamps”?
A1:It would matter because the Bittins would have nowhere to live.
Q2:What would be the result?
A2:The Bittins would move away from the area because there would be no food, (Worse) they will become extinct.
Q3: Why do you think Grandad cared about that?
A3:Grandad was thinking about the future for the Bittins.
Here is a link to a very good post on the Bittern